Cancelation Policy

Cancellation Policy

At FindSouk, we understand that circumstances may change, and you may need to cancel a booking or subscription. We strive to make the cancellation process as clear and convenient as possible. Please review our cancellation policy below:

1. Cancellation of Services

Customers (Users):

  • For services booked through FindSouk, cancellation policies may vary depending on the specific business or service provider. We recommend reviewing the cancellation terms provided by the respective business at the time of booking.
  • To cancel a booking, please log in to your FindSouk account, navigate to your bookings or subscriptions, and follow the provided cancellation instructions.
  • In some cases, cancellation fees or refund policies may apply, which will be determined by the individual business or service provider.

Business Owners (Vendors/Sellers):

  • If you are a business owner using FindSouk's services and need to cancel a subscription or service agreement, please refer to the terms and conditions of your agreement with FindSouk.
  • Cancellation terms for business subscriptions may be outlined in the subscription agreement or contract.

2. Cancellation of User Accounts

If you wish to cancel your FindSouk user account, you can do so at any time by contacting our customer support team at [Insert Contact Information]. Please note that account cancellation will result in the permanent deletion of your account and associated data.

3. Refunds

Refund policies for cancellations may vary depending on the specific circumstances and the policies set by the business or service provider. FindSouk does not process refunds directly; refunds are typically handled by the respective business or service provider in accordance with their policies.

4. Changes to Cancellation Policy

FindSouk reserves the right to modify or update this cancellation policy at any time. Users and business owners will be notified of any changes through our platform or by email.

We recommend reviewing the cancellation policies provided by the specific businesses or service providers you engage with through FindSouk, as these policies may govern cancellations and refunds for their services. If you have any questions or require further assistance regarding cancellations, please do not hesitate to contact us. Your satisfaction is important to us, and we are here to assist you with any cancellation-related inquiries.